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Why does Friends of Willunga Basin want hundreds of friends?

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Our ambitious aim, to protect this magnificent area from urban sprawl is one of immense difficulty.

Modern cities have an intrinsic tendency to sprawl, until those living within lose their connections with the rural areas that feed, support and refresh them. Cities become unsustainable, sprawling masses, dominated by cars and freeways. A long-distance commuting lifestyle is frustrating and inefficient. It has serious implications for climate change and peak oil response and loss of valuable land for food production.

We oppose urban sprawl. We believe many others support this view. Many more voices would have profound political impact.

The success of the wine industry to date has encouraged our governments to protect the area. We can’t rely long term on the protection of only one industry.

We seek your membership to provide funds, active support and political credibility to achieve our aims.

Click here for a membership application form. Membership rates are deliberately kept low (currently $8.00, $6.00 concession) to encourage many to join. However we do need fees as we receive no funding from any outside body to ensure our independence. Return to home page